Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Summer Goals #1...

It's now been a week since my exams have finished and it still hasn't dawned on me yet that I am free! (Maybe it's the constant anxiety of where I will end up come September!) With this summer giving me so much free time I have tried to set about doing productive and helpful things, for example I have volunteered at my local library to help with their summer reading challenge and I am also spending a week in London working with other volunteers on renovating a Cathedral.

But so far this is all I have planned - no holidays, no days out, nothing at all - and I am starting to feel a little lost and scared at the prospect of ending up cooped up inside all summer! So with the help of this blog I am going to set myself goals to achieve things this summer, whether it relates to health, weight, housework, money etc. I will then try to *fingers crossed* write a post every week (maybe fortnight) explaining what I have achieved/completed!

1) Exercise daily... even if it is only a little bit

2) Read as many books as possible

3) Eat healthily, cut out sugar as much as possible and NO MORE MEAL DEALS!

4) Do as much as I can around the house (the dishwasher always needs unloading!)

5) Make sure money gets saved...

Well there are going to be my 5 goals set for now.. I am sure I will be adding more specific ones as the summer continues... Hopefully by writing these down I will feel more obliged to stick to them!

Well that's it for now.. feel free to join in if you want - it is always nice to have a supportive community - and I will be back in a week to report on how it is all going!

Monday, 10 June 2013

30 Day Snap - Week #1...

Being addicted to Louise and her blog Sprinkle of Glitter I thought it would be apt if I took part in her 30 day snap challenge. However I am going to partake slightly differently. Due to exams I do not have the time to upload everyday, so have decided to do a weekly photo update instead, which will include snaps I have taken throughout the week. This way I can still take photos, but not have to keep up with such a speedy schedule!! 

Day 1: I revised all day in the sun today, it was lovely. This was the view I had from where I was sitting. My Dad whitewashed his shed last summer and over the winter the older grey/blue paint has come through making the shed look so shabby chic-esque. Finger crossed this sun holds out!

Day 2: Revision all day but I had a break for a game of croquet. Last summer we found a really old wooden set when we were clearing out my Great Great Aunties house and whenever the sun is out we set it up on the flattest part of our garden! PS. that is my sister sporting a dashing giraffe onesie!

Day 3: My inside desk (well actually my Dad's but it is quieter in this part of the house) for when it gets a little too windy to revise outside. The painting is one of my Dad's and I absolutely love it - I have another one in my bedroom. I think I was revising English Literature at this point - hence the procrastinating photo taking!

Day 4: Due to stress my nail biting habit has come back! But hopefully after painting my nails this lovely lilac I should stop! *fingers-crossed* This nail polish is by Ciate in the colour Purple Sherbet, I think I got it in a magazine last summer on a trip to London!

Day 5: I made myself an iced tea this morning to aid the revision process. I used Darjeeling and mixed it with honey, apply juice and a little bit of lemonade! I added the frozen berries due to lack of ice but I think it ended up adding to the taste. I took inspiration from a post by GEMSMAQUILLAGE

Day 6: I had 2 exams today so didn't have the chance to even think about taking any photos. This photo is from a couple of weeks ago but I love the content so much I needed to share it with you all! These cute little rubbers I found in a stationary shop called Blott. They have pieces which can be taken apart and are probably aimed at much younger children! I think they are so adorable and gave some to my friends in one of the classes as a little lucky charm for our exams! :)

Day 7: I had my last exam of the week today! Only 2 more to go now. When I got home my sister and I  sat around in the garden relaxing and took a few photos!

To fill in the gap in the last half of the week I have decided to include a quote which represents how the week has gone. With revision getting me down and becoming such a chore I turned to google to find a suitable quote. This is a Dumbledore quote (many of my favourite quotes come from his speeches in Rowling's books) and to me sums up how revision should be looked at - especially when a wall has been hit. Take from it what you will but to me I think it suits my mood!

I hope you have all had a great week and are enjoying all of these photos. Do leave links to your own blogs if you have been following the 30 Day Snap - I would love to see what you have all been up to!